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2019 Falling Walls Engage Finalists:


Our youth Program was nominated as a finalist at the Falling Walls Engage conference in Berlin, Germany. The Engage competition highlighted successful science engagement projects from 18 countries around the world. We were honoured to be the Canadian representatives on stage with diverse community leaders who are tearing down the walls between science and the public. To learn more about Falling Walls check out their website.


On the 30th anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall, our founder Rackeb Tesfaye was in Berlin to present our youth program to the Engage jury at the FuturiumTo hear her pitch, click below. 



Interview with KCRW Berlinn:

Listen to our founder Rackeb on 104.1FM KCRW Berlin. Her and Dr. Edward Kang from The Labaratory Collective, were part of a conversation between scientists. 

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"Spreading the Word about Science"


Our team was featured in the McGill News.

 Check out the article here HERE

McGill Innovators:

The McGill office of Innovation and Partnership, named Broad Science as a McGill Innovator. We’d like to thank the McGill innovation team for their support and recognition.  Check out their video on Broad Science made by voco studios:

Upcoming Events


Check out our founder talking to Sonali Karnick Host of All in a Week-End on CBC Radio about the importance of making STEM accessible and inclusive, and what Broad Science is doing to promote this.

Other Articles

The McGill Reporter:"Spreading The News About Science"


The McGill Reporter:"Science is for Everyone"


The Tribune:"Ada Lovelace Day"


The McGill Daily:Broad Science was invited to write a science feature for the The McGill Daily about why we were founded and what to expect for our upcoming episode on DNA and identity. Click here to read.

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Examples of  past workshops hosted


#SciComm Workshop (APRIL):

Broad Science will be hosting  2 series workshop on "Communicating with the media" and "Communicating with the public"

These two scicomm workshops are organized by Le Beagle - CSBQ in collaboration with Broad Science and Superwomen in Science Podcast.

Graduate #STEM Student Communication and Podcast Workshop (February):

Broad Science will be hosting an interactive 3-series workshop with Graduate students at McGill’s Macdonald Campus 

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